Book 2: Midnight Revelations

ISBN: 1453786899 | EAN13: 9781453786895
Genre: Young Adult, Science-Fiction, PN-romance
Published: 5/13/2011 | Pages: 454
Price: $16.99 (paperback) | $2.99 (Ebook)
Cover art: JD Hollyfield

“Hi, my name is Laylah Cherie Le Croix, and being ignorant can be life-threatening.”


Laylah Le Croix is searching for answers. Dissatisfied with the silence from her caretakers on the subject of her kidnapping and, unnerved by her Father’s sudden interest in her life, Laylah eagerly anticipates graduation day and the freedom to pursue her own goals.

She secretly continues to see her boyfriend, Donil Silentshadow, who values her as a person and gives her the love she desperately needs.

Were Council politics and a familiar enemy’s insidious plans collide with the couple’s happiness and threaten to unleash the hidden inter-tribal feuding amongst the Weres.

Will Laylah be able to navigate the onslaught of this latest disaster or will the secret, those around her are keeping, finally consume her?

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